To understand the digital logic and create various systems by using these logics.
- Introduction to digital electronics lab- nomenclature of digital ICs, specifications, study of the data sheet, concept of Vcc and ground, verification of the truth tables of logic gates using TTL ICs.
- Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both SOP and POS forms.
- Verification of state tables of RS, JK, T and D flip-flops using NAND & NOR gates.
- Implementation and verification of Decoder/De-multiplexer and Encoder using logic gates.
- Implementation of 4x1 multiplexer using logic gates.
- Implementation of 4-bit parallel adder using 7483 IC.
- Design and Implementation of Shift Register.
- Implementation of Universal Shift Register.
- Design, and verify the 4-bit synchronous counter.
- Design, and verify the 4-bit up/down synchronous counter.
- Design, and verify the 4-bit asynchronous counter.
- Write a program to implement stack with the basic operations as Create(), IsEmpty(),Push(), POP(), IsFull() with appropriate prototype to a functions.
- Write a program to implement Queue with the basic operations as Create(), IsEmpty(),Insert(), Delete() and IsFull() with appropriate prototype to a functions.
- Implementation of stack using dynamic memory allocation.
- Implementation of Queue using dynamic memory allocation.
- Write a program to generate the binary tree from the given Inorder and Postorder or Inorder and Preorder traversal.
- Write a program to implement insertion and deletion operation in Binary Search Tree.
- Write a program for Linear Search and Binary Search.
- Write a program for Bubble Sort and Heap Sort.
- Write a program for Quick Sort and Radix Sort.
- Write a program to implement DFS algorithm.
- Write a program to implement BFS algrorithm.
- Simple C++ Programs to Implement Various Control Structures.
- Programs to Understand Structure & Unions.
- Programs to Understand Pointer Arithmetic.
- Program to Understand Functions & Recursion.
- Programs to Understand Different Function Call Mechanism. Call by reference & Call by Value.
- Programs to Understand Storage Specifiers.
- Program to Understand Constructors & Destructors.
- Programs to Implement Inheritance and Function Overriding. Multiple inheritance –Access Specifiers, Hierarchical inheritance – Function Overriding/Virtual Function.
- Programs to Overload Unary & Binary Operators as Member Function & Non Member Function.
- Programs to Understand Friend Function & Friend Class.
- Programs on Class Templates.
- Program for configuration Management.
- Perform SA/SD for the following software.
Hotel Automation System Book Shop Automation Software Word processing Software Software Component Cataloguing Software.
- Design and development of test cases for testing.
- Writing program in Java for Computing Cyclomatic Complexity.
- Development of Software tool for Halstead Analysis.
- Perform Cost/Benefit analysis.
- Illustration of various activities of Software development using MS Project 2000.
- Lab exercise involving development of various practical applications using software like VJ++VB, SYBASE, JDK. [Students are to be given a major assignment to be completed using one or more of these tools, Student’s exposure to any CASE tool is desirable]
- CASE Studies : Payroll System, Banking System, Purchase Order System, Library Management System, Railway Reservation System, Bill Tracking System, College Admission System, State Management System.
- To identify the suitable Software development model for the given scenario discuss in CASE studies.
- To identify the usage of Regression Testing in CASE Studies scenario.
- Write the queries for Data Definition and Data Manipulation Language.
- Write SQL queries using logical operations (=,<,>,etc)
- Write SQL queries using SQL operators
- Write SQL query using character, number, date and group functions
- Write SQL queries for relational algebra
- Write SQL queries for extracting data from more than one table
- Write SQL queries for sub queries, nested queries
- Write programme by the use of PL/SQL
- The queries to be implemented on DBMS using SQL
- Students are advised to use Developer 2000/Oracle9i or other latest version for above experiments.. However student may use Power Builder/SQL SERVER .
Mini Projects may also be planned & carried out through out the semester to understand important concepts of database.
- Bread Board Implementation of various logic gates using NAND gate.
- Bread Board implementation of Binary Adder (Half and Full)
- Bread Board implementation of Adder/Subtractor.
- Bread Board Implementation of Flip-Flops.
- Experiments with clocked Flip-Flop.
- Design of Counters.
- Bread Board implementation of counters & shift registers.
- Implementation of Arithmetic algorithms.
- Bread Board implementation of Seven Segment Display.
- Addition of 2-8 bit number by using microprocessor.
- Subtraction of 2-8 bit number by using microprocessor.
- Study of hardware and software requirements of different operating systems (UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS XP, WINDOWS 7/8).
- Write a program in C to implement First Come First Serve algorithm and round robin scheduling algorithm.
- Write a program in C to implement non preemptive SJF and non preemptive priority scheduling algorithm.
- Write a program in C to implement preemptive SJF and preemptive priority scheduling algorithm.
- Write a program in C to implement Banker’s Algorithm.
- Write a program for Conversion of resource allocation graph (RAG) to wait-for-graph (WFG) for each type of method used for storing graph in C.
- Write a program in C where parent process counts number of vowels in the given sentence and child process will count number of words in the same sentence. Use FORK and JOIN construct.
- Write a program in C where parent process sorts array elements in descending order and child process sorts array elements in ascending order. Use FORK and JOIN construct.
- Write a program in C to implement the contiguous file allocation technique.
- Implement the solution for Bounded Buffer (Producer-Consumer) problem using inter process communication technique – Semaphores in C.
- Implement the solution for Dining-Philosopher problem using inter process communication technique – Semaphores in C.
- Implementation of Recursive Binary & Linear Search Algorithm.
- Implementation of Heap Sort.
- Implementation of Merge Sort.
- Implementation of Selection Sort.
- Implementation of Insertion Sort.
- Implementation of Quick Sort.
- Implementation of Matrix Chain Multiplication algorithm by using dynamic programing.
- Implementation of 0/1 knapsack problem algorithm by using dynamic programing.
- Study of NP-Complete theory.
- Study of Cook’s theorem.
- Study of sorting network.
- Write a program to draw a line using DDA Algorithm.
- Write a program to draw a line using Bresenham’s Algorithm.
- Write a program to draw a circle using Mid Point Circle generation Algorithm.
- Write a program for addition, subtraction, multiplication using 3*3 matrix.
- Write a program to clip a line using Cohen Sutherland line Clipping Algorithm.
- Write a program to clip a line using Liang Barsky Algorithm.
- Write a program to clip a convex polygon using Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping.
- Write a program to clip a concave polygon using Weiler – Atherton polygon clipping.
- Write a program for Text Clipping.
- Write a program to Translate, rotate, scale, shearing and reflection using 2D Transformation.
- Write a program for Flying Kite.
- Write a program in C to implement framing with time delay.
- Write a program in C to implement framing with character stuffing.
- Write a program in C to implement framing bit stuffing.
- Study how to connect different types of devices with CAT Cable.
- Implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm to compute the shortest path through Graph.
- Configure a Network using Distance Vector Routing protocol.
- Configure Network using Link State Vector Routing protocol.
- Study of different types of Network cables and practically implement the cross-wired cable and straight through cable using clamping tool.
- Write a program in C to Implementation of Hamming code technique.
- Write a program in C to determine the class of IP address from the Input binary notation.
- Write a program in C to implement Client Server programming.
Do the following exercises for project developed in mini project lab.
List of exercises:
- Write the complete problem statement
- Draw Work Breakdown Structure
- Write the software requirement specification document
- Draw the entity relationship diagram
- Draw the data flow diagrams at level 0 and level 1
- Draw use case diagram
- Draw activity diagram of all use cases.
- Draw PERT chart.
- Draw GANTT chart.
- Draw sequence diagram of all use cases
- Draw collaboration diagram of all use cases
- Write a program in java to implementCaesar Cipher technique.
- Write a program in java to implement the Playfair Cipher.
- Write a program in java to implement Pure Transposition Cipher.
- Implement a program in java to encrypt and decrypt using the Hill cipher substitution technique.
- Develop a program in java to implement Data Encryption Standard for encryption and decryption.
- Develop a program in java to implement RSA algorithm for encryption and decryption.
- Develop a program in java to implement Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm for encryption and Decryption.
- Write a program in java to implement Message Digest Algorithm.
- Develop a program in java to implement Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1).
- Write a program to implement the digital signature scheme in java.
- Write a program in java Implement the AES Encryption and decryption.
- Write a program in C to implementDepth First Search.
- Write a program in C to implement8-PUZZLE using Best First Search.
- Write a program in C to implementTraveling Salesman Problem
- Write a program in C to implementALPHA-BETA search.
- Write a program in C to implementTower of Hanoi problem
- Write a program in C to implementN-QUEENS PROBLEM.
- Write a program in C to implementA* Algorithm
- Write a program in C to implementHill Climbing Algorithm
- Write a program in C to implementWater Jug Problem.
- Write a program in C to implementTic Tac Toe
- Write a program in C to implementString Matching.
- Write a program to simulate the functioning of Lamport’s logical clock in 'C’.
- Write a program to simulate the Distributed Mutual Exclusion in ‘C’.
- Write a program to implement a Distributed chat server using TCP sockets in ‘C’.
- Implement RPC mechanism for a file transfer across a network in ‘C’
- Write a JAVA code to implement ‘Java RMI’ mechanism for accessing methods of remote systems.
- Write a code in ‘C’ to implement sliding window protocol.
- Implement corba mechanism by using C++ program at one end and java program at the other.
- Create CORBA based server-client application.
- Write a JAVA code to implement RPC mechanism
- Design XML Schema and XML instance document
- Write a program to Incrementing a counter in shared memory