Notice & Announcements Archive

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Sr. No.SubjectDate
1Regarding Short Attendance07/11/2024
2Regarding Challenge Evaluation step 1 (2023 24)05/11/2024
3Regarding National Youth Festival 2024-2516/10/2024
4Regarding Walk-In Interview for Selection of Guest Faculty(2024-25) - (Round-02)22/08/2024
5Regarding Registration of B Tech 1st year / 2nd year Literal Entry & MBA 1st Year Students 2024-25'21/08/2024
6Important Regarding Challenge Evaluation for of B. Tech. (VIIIth semester) & MBA (IVth semester) Even Semester session 2023-2421/08/2024
7M.Tech Admission Notice Session 2024-25.(Round-2)27/07/2024
8Walk-in Interview for Selection of Guest Faculty (2024-25) 23/07/2024
9Important Regarding scholarship11/07/2024
10Important Notice Regarding Registration of 3rd,5th,7th semester B.Tech and 3rd semester MBA & M Tech Students 2024-25.07/07/2024
11M.Tech Admission Notice Session 2024-25.07/07/2024
12Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester B.Tech. MBA & M. Tech (1st Year) & B.Tech.(2nd Year) Regular & Carryover Examination, 2023-24 16/05/2024
13Revised Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 4thYear) Examination, 2023-24 12/05/2024
14Tentative Examination Schedule EVEN Semester B.Tech. MBA & M. Tech (1st Year) & B.Tech.(2nd Year) Examination, 2023-24 30/08/2023
15Regarding Examination form Even Semester session 2023-24 B.TECH., (IInd Semester, IVth Semester) & M.B.A. & M.TECH (IInd Semester) Regular). For Carryover Papers Exam form attached.07/05/2024
16Summer Internship Program at Bundelkhand Innovation and Incubation Center Foundation.05/05/2024
17Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 3rd & 4thYear) MBA (2nd Year) Examination, 2023-2423/04/2024
18Important Notice Regarding Class Test II22/04/2024
19Important notice regarding Class Test 2 of B.Tech 1st and 2nd year 21/04/2024
20Revised Tentative Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 4thYear) Examination, 2023-2420/04/2024
21Tentative Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 3rd & 4thYear) MBA (2nd Year) Examination, 2023-2409/04/2024
22Regarding Examination form Even Semester session 2023-24 B.TECH., (VIth Semester, VIIIth Semester) & M.B.A. (IVth Semester) Carryover Papers"08/04/2024
23Notification for REC date Extension 14/04/2024
24Regarding Examination form Even Semester session 2023-24 B.TECH., (VIth Semester, VIIIth Semester) & M.B.A. (IVth Semester) Regular and Carryover Papers05/04/2024
25Important Notice Regarding Attendance19/03/2024
26Class Test II Schedule Session 2023 24 Even Semester 19/03/2024
27Regarding Class test II for 3rd and Final year B.Tech. & 2nd Year MBA19/03/2024
28Important Notice Regarding Class Test15/03/2024
29Academic Calendar 2023-24 B Tech, MBA, M. Tech EVEN Semester14/02/2024
30Regarding Registration of 2nd & 4th semester B Tech and MBA & M Tech 2nd semester Students 2023-2401/02/2024
31Walkin Interview for Guest Faculty Recruitment07/02/2024
32PMKVY 4.0 Short term training (STT) 18/11/2023
33Corrected Final Examination Schedule of Debarred Students and odd Semester Carry Over Examination B.Tech. 1st year 2023-24 24/01/2024
34Final Examination Schedule of Debarred Students and odd Semester Carry Over Examination B.Tech. 1st year 2023-24 23/01/2024
35Final Examination Schedule odd Semester Carry Over Examination B.Tech. , MBA 1st year & B.Tech. 2nd year , 2023-2416/01/2024
36"Final Examination Schedule odd Semester B.Tech. , MBA & M.Tech. 1st year & B.Tech. 2nd year Examination, 2023-24"12/01/2024
37"Tentative Examination Schedule odd Semester B.Tech. , MBA & M.Tech. 1st year & B.Tech. 2nd year Examination, 2023-24"12/01/2024
38Interview for the post of Project Assistant10/01/2024
39Result of Challenge Evaluation 2022 23 Odd & Even Semester 10/01/2024
40Regarding Examination form Odd Semester session 2023-24 06/01/2024
41Revised Important Notice Regarding the Scholarship form submission in respective Department 06/01/2024
42"Tentative Examination Schedule odd Semester B.Tech. , MBA & M.Tech. 1st year & B.Tech.2nd year Examination, 2023-24" 05/01/2024
43"Regarding Examination session 2022-23 Third Year & Fourth Year B. Tech. (Debarred students)"05/01/2024
44Important Notice Regarding the Scholarship Form Submission in Respective Departments05/01/2024
45'Regarding Registration of 4th & 6th semester B Tech and MBA & M Tech 4th semester Students 2023-24'27/12/2023
46Regarding Challenge Evaluation 2nd Step session 2022-23 to see answer script27/12/2023
47Important Notice Regarding the Schorship for the Session 2023-24 19/12/2023
48Regarding Class test II for 1st year B.Tech,MBA & M.Tech. 18/12/2023
49Regarding Challenge Evaluation-First Step: B. Tech. (IInd and IVth semester) & MBA, M. Tech. (IInd semester) for session 2022-2311/12/2023
50Important Notice Regarding the Final Year Exam07/12/2023
51Important Notice Regarding Odd Semester Examination 2023-24 04/12/2023
52Empowering entrepreneurs in the International Year of Millets 01/12/2023
53Empowering entrepreneurs in the International Year of Millets 01/12/2023
54Odd Semester Examination Schedule for B.Tech III, IV Year & MBA, M.Tech III Semester29/11/2023
55Odd Semester Examination Schedule for B.Tech III, IV Year & MBA, M.Tech III Semester23/11/2023
56Important Notice Regarding the Odd Semester Examination 2023-2421/11/2023
57Important Notice Regarding the Enrollment of Newly Admitted Students20/11/2023
58Class Test - 1 Schedule of B. Tech, M. Tech and M.B.A. 1st Year20/11/2023
59Imortant Notice Regarding Class Test - 1 of B. Tech, M. Tech and M.B.A. 1st Year18/11/2023
60Regarding Digi Locker ID creation of Students 18/11/2023
61Regarding Examination form Odd Semester session 2023-24 B.TECH.,(Vth Semester, VIIth Semester) M.B.A.& M. Tech. (IIIrd Semester) (Regular and Carryoverr Papers) 18/11/2023
62Important Notice Regarding New Staff for Scholarship06/11/2023
63Class Test 2 schedule for B. Tech 2nd, 3rd & Final Year, M. Tech 2nd Year and M.B.A.2nd Year19/10/2023
64Regarding commencement of M Tech Classes for New admitted students 2023 24 10/10/2023
65Important Notice Regarding the Internal Branch Sliding of B.Tech 1st Year and B.Tech 2nd Year Leatral Entry Students 05/10/2023
66Regarding commencement of Classes for New admitted students 2023 2404/10/2023
67Walk-in-Interview for the Selection of Guest Faculty session 2023-24 04/10/2023
68Time Table B.Tech 1st Year Session 2023-24 21/10/2023
69Induction Program Schedule 2023 03/10/2023
70Registration Date Extended for Newly Admitted Students 30/09/2023
71Important Notice Regarding the Physical Reporting of Newly Admitted students of B.Tech (1st Year) and B.Tech (2nd Year Leatral Entry) 25/09/2023
72UPTAC-2023 physical reporting 21/09/2023
73Important Notice Regarding Guest Faculty Interview 16/09/2023
74Important Notice Regarding Class Test 1 13/09/2023
75Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant for CARS Project 06/09/2023
76Regarding Challenge Evaluation B.Tech., MBA & M.Tech. for session 2022-2305/09/2023
77Walk-in-Interview of Guest Faculty for session 2023-2426/08/2023
78Advertisement for Non Teaching Post at BIET Jhansi 19/08/2023
79Regarding M Tech admission Session 2023-2426/08/2023
80Time Table B.Tech and MBA 2nd Year Session 2023-24 16/08/2023
81Time Table B.Tech 3rd Year Session 2023-24 14/08/2023
82Important Notice Regarding Scholarship 2023-24 04/08/2023
83Online Registration and Fee Payment for B.Tech. Counselling 2023 has been started. 26/07/2023
84Time Table B.Tech Final Year Session 2023-2424/07/2023
85Regarding Registration of 3rd & 5th odd semester Students 2023-2420/07/2023
86Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester B.Tech.(2nd semester & 4th Semester) , MBA & M.Tech. 1st year 2nd Semester Examination, 2022-23 20/07/2023
87"Regarding Examination Dates session 2022-23 Third Year & Fourth Year B. Tech. (Debarred students)" 18/07/2023
88Important Notice Regarding the Guest Faculty Recruitment 15/07/2023
89Regarding Examination Dates Even Semester session 2022-23 First Year 2nd Semester B. Tech., MBA & M.Tech. (Regular and Carry over Papers)15/07/2023
90Tentative Examination Schedule EVEN Semester B.Tech. , MBA & M.Tech. 1st year 2nd Semester Examination, 2022-23 11/07/2023
91Regarding Examination form Even Semester session 2022-23 First Year 2nd Semester B. Tech., MBA & M.Tech. (Regular and Carry over Papers)07/07/2023
92Walk-in-Interview of Guest Faculty for session 2023-2407/07/2023
93Fee Structure Session 2023-2405/07/2023
94Time Table for the Session 2023-24 for several Branches, Years and Semesters W.E.F. 01/07/2023.30/06/2023
95Regarding Classes of 1st Year Students 2022-23 28/06/2023
96Regarding Registration of VIIth semester Students 2023-2428/06/2023
97Notice for Tablet distribution 09/06/2023
98Notice regarding educational qualification of employees deputed at Institution.07/06/2023
99Notice Regarding Institute Timing 31/05/2023
100Important Notice Regarding Tablet Distribution 20/05/2023
101Important Notice and Application form Regarding Outsourcing 20/05/2023
102Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester MBA 2nd Year Examination, 2022-23 18/05/2023
103Notice Regarding Summer Vacation 16/05/2023
104Important Notice Regarding the Carry-over Examination of B.Tech 3rd and Final Year 15/05/2023
105Revised Time Table for First Year (2nd Semester) 15/05/2023
106Tentative Examination Schedule EVEN Semester B.Tech. & MBA 2nd Year Examination, 2022-23 11/05/2023
107Regarding Examination form Even Semester session 2022-23 2nd Year IVth Semester B. Tech. & MBA08/05/2023
108Class Test Schedule for B.Tech, M.B.A. 1st & 2nd Year and M.Tech 1st Year 29/04/2023
109Important Notice regarding for Class Test B tech, MBA & M Tech 1st & 2nd Year 27/04/2023
110Final Examination Schedule B.Tech. 4thYear 8th Semester 2022-2317/04/2023
111New Final Examination Schedule B.Tech. 3rd Year 6th Semester Examination, 2022-2317/04/2023
112Second Tentative Examination Schedule B.Tech. 4thYear 8th Semester 2022-2315/04/2023
113Final Examination Schedule B.Tech. 3rd Year 6th Semester Examination, 2022-2315/04/2023
114Tentative Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 3rd & 4thYear) Examination, 2022-23 06/04/2023
115Regarding Examination form Even Semester session 2022-23 Third Year VIth Semester & Fourth Year VIIIth Semester B. Tech. (Regular and Carryoverr Papers)06/04/2023
116Notice regarding for Class Test 03/04/2023
117Time Table B.Tech, M.B.A. 1st Year 02/04/2023
118Regarding Registration of IInd semester Students 2022 23 01/04/2023
119Important Notice Regarding Tablet Distribution 23/03/2023
120Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2022-23 B. Tech., MBA & M.Tech. First Year Ist Semester (Regular and Carryover Papers) 14/03/2023
121Important notice regarding classroom attendance 13/03/2023
122Student List for Tablet Distribution 04/03/2023
123Notice Regarding Tablet Distribution 04/03/2023
124Tentative Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2022-23 B. Tech., MBA & M.Tech. First Year Ist Semester (Regular and Carryover Papers) 03/03/2023
125Regarding schedule of B Tech, MBA Class Test 1st for 2nd year & B. Tech. Class Test 2nd for 3rd and 4th Year students. 03/03/2023
126Regarding Examination form Odd Semester session 2022-23 First Year Ist Semester B. Tech., MBA & M.Tech. (Regular and Carry over Papers) 01/03/2023
127Notice regarding rescheduling of Class Test-2 of students of B.Tech, MBA, M.Tech First Year, Third Year and Fourth Year for session 2022-23.14/02/2023
128Notice regarding rescheduling of Class Test-2 of students of B.Tech, MBA, M.Tech First Year, Third Year and Fourth Year for session 2022-23.14/02/2023
129Schedule of Class Test 1 for B. Tech 3rd & 4th Year and Class Test 2 for B. Tech, M. Tech 1st Year 13/02/2023
130Important Notice Regarding the Class Test - 1 of B.Tech 3rd year and final year 08/02/2023
131Regarding schedule for B Tech Class Test 1st for 3rd & 4th Year 2022-23 & Class Test 2nd for 1st Year 04/02/2023
132Regarding Registration and commencement of B. Tech, M. Tech and M.B.A. 2nd Year Even Semester 2022-23 29/01/2023
133Regarding Enrollment Registration of newly admitted Students 2022 23 18/01/2023
134Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2022-23 B. Tech., MBA & M.Tech. Second Year IIIrd Semester (Regular and Carryover Papers) 12/01/2023
135Library Notice Regarding Book Submission 11/01/2023
136Important Notice Regarding 75% compulsory attendance of the Students 09/01/2023
137Class Test 1 Schedule B.Tech, M.Tech and M.B.A. first year 07/01/2023
138Notice Regarding B. Tech, M. Tech and MBA (1st year) Class Test 1 Odd Semester 2022-23 07/01/2023
139Regarding Examination form Odd Semester session 2022-23 & List of 2nd year Lateral entry Students session 2022 23 07/01/2023
140Tentative Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2022-23 B. Tech., MBA & M.Tech. Second Year IIIrd Semester 07/01/2023
141Regarding Branch change in Spot Councelling 2022 23 03/01/2023
142B. Tech, M.B.A. (1st Year) and B. Tech (2nd Year Lateral Entry) Book Bank Issue Schedule Notice 27/12/2022
143Regarding Re-evaluation B.Tech.(IIst & IVth Semester) Examination held in July and August 2022 27/12/2022
144Regarding Registration and commencement of PhD session 2022-23 19/12/2022
145Regarding Registration and commencement of B. Tech, 3rd and Final Year Even Semester 2022-23 19/12/2022
146Re-Schedule Examination Dates for B.Tech, M Tech, MBA IInd Year IIIrd Semesters , 2022-23 17/12/2022
147Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation B.Tech.(IIst & IVth Semester) to see their answer sheets, Examination held in July and August 2022, 15/12/2022
148Time Table B.Tech 1st Year 11/12/2022
149Academic Calendar B.Tech, M.Tech and M.B.A. (First Year) Session 2022-23 05/12/2022
150Notice Regarding B Tech (Including Lateral Entry Students), M Tech and MBA Class Test 2nd (2nd year) Odd Semester 2022-2302/12/2022
151Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation B.Tech.(Second & Fourth Semester), MBA & M.Tech. (Second Semester) Examination held in July and August 202230/11/2022
152Regarding Ph.D. Students Theory Examination of RM-031 30/11/2022
153Re Schedule for Theory Examination (ODD SEMESTER), 2022-23 B. Tech.-Fifth Semester (For Electrical Engineering)30/11/2022
154Final Examination Schedule Special Carryover Theory Examination 2021 22 (For the Students who appeared in 2021 22 in Final year Exam)26/11/2022
155Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2022-23 Third Year Vth Semester B. Tech.Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers)"26/11/2022
156Second round admission notice for M. Tech admission Session 2022-2325/11/2022
157Regarding M Tech admission Session 2022-2316/11/2022
158Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2022-23 Final Year VIIth & Third Year Vth Semester B. Tech.Theory, (Regular and Carryover Papers)15/11/2022
159Final Examination Schedule Special Carryover Theory Examination 2021-22 (For the Students who appeared in 2021-22 in Final year Exam)15/11/2022
160Important Notice regarding Classes & Induction Program for newly admitted students session 2022-2312/11/2022
161Tentative Examination Schedule Special Carryover Theory Examination 2021 22 10/11/2022
162Tentative Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2022-23 Third year Vth Semester B. Tech.Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers) 07/11/2022
163Regarding Examination form Odd Semester session 2022-23 Regular B.Tech. (5th Semester and 7th semester07/11/2022
164Notice for Special Carry Over Exam 2021-22 03/11/2022
165Notice Regarding Scholarship (Samaj Kalyan Vibhag) 2022-23 31/10/2022
166UPTAC-2022 physical reporting31/10/2022
167Regarding the UPCET-2022 Physical Reporting 28/10/2022
168Regarding schedule for B Tech Class Test 2nd, 5th & 7th Semester 2022-2319/10/2022
169Notice Regarding Class Test 1st and Class Test 2nd B Tech, M Tech, MBA 2022 23 18/10/2022
170Schedule for Class Test 2022-23 18/10/2022
171Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) for CST-UP Project (Last date extended upto 17/10/2022).26/09/2022
172Regarding schedule for B Tech Class Test 1st, 5th & 7th Semester 2022-2303/09/2022
173Notice Regarding Class Test 1st B Tech 5th & 7th Semester 2022-23 01/09/2022
174Important Notice Regarding Library I-Card B.Tech and M.B.A. 2nd Year 31/08/2022
175Important Notice for Students Regarding Attendance25/08/2022
176Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation B.Tech.(VIth & VIIIth Semester) to see their answer sheets, Examination held in April & May 2022.24/08/2022
177Regarding Registration and commencement of 2nd Year B. Tech, M. Tech and M.B.A. Odd Semester 2022-2323/08/2022
178Important Notice Regarding Student Attendance 18/08/2022
179Revised Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (M.Tech.1st Year) Examination, 2021-2223/08/2022
180Regarding shifting the Examination Date (19-08-2022) EVEN Semester (B.Tech., MBA ,M.Tech.1st Year) Examination, 2021-22 18/08/2022
181Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav10/08/2022
182Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech., MBA ,M.Tech.1st Year) Examination, 2021-2207/08/2022
183Regarding Registration Date Extension of 3rd Year B Tech Odd Semester 2022-2305/08/2022
184Revised Notice Regarding Book issue from Library 04/08/2022
185Regarding Sunday(07-08-2022) is working day 04/08/2022
186Important Notice Regarding Book issue from Library 03/08/2022
187Important Notice Regarding Book issue from Library 03/08/2022
188Time table of B.Tech III year02/08/2022
189Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation B.Tech.(VIth & VIIIth Semester), MBA (IVth Semester) Examination held in April and May 2022 28/07/2022
190Regarding Registration and commencement of 3rd Year B Tech Odd Semester 2022-2325/07/2022
191Regarding Registration and commencement of 3rd Year B Tech Odd Semester 2022-2325/07/2022
192Important Notice Regarding Book submission issued from Library22/07/2022
193Regarding Examination form for Remaining students of Even Semester session 2021-22 B.Tech.(IInd Semester), M.B.A. (IInd Semester) & M.Tech. (IInd Semester)21/07/2022
194Important Instructions for Student during all examinations19/07/2022
195Schedule for Class Test ???II Session 2021-22 Even Semester for M.Tech 1st Year 2nd
196Schedule for Class Test ???II Session 2021-22 Even Semester for B.Tech 1st Year 2nd Semester and MBA 1st Year/2nd
197Result of Scrutiny & Re-evaluation 0dd Semester (Vth and VIIth) 2021-2214/07/2022
198Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 2nd Year) Examination, 2021-2214/07/2022
199Important Notice Regarding B.Tech Final Year Registration for Session 2022-2314/07/2022
200Time table of B.Tech IV year 13/07/2022
201Notice regarding Extend date of Registration for B Tech (Final Year)12/07/2022
202'Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation B.Tech.(First & Third Semester) to see their answer sheets, Examination held in February and March 202210/07/2022
203Notice Regarding Hostel Mess Fee 07/07/2022
204Regarding Examination form Even Semester session 2021-22 B.Tech.(IVth,IInd Semester), M.B.A. (IInd Semester) & M.Tech. (IInd Semester)06/07/2022
205B.Tech (Final Year) Registration for Session 2022-2306/07/2022
206Tentative Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 2nd Year) Examination, 2021-2204/07/2022
207Proctorial Board Members30/06/2022
208Inform about their MOOCs courses for B.Tech Final Year Students (2022 Passed out)25/06/2022
209National Innovation and Startup Policy 2019 for Students and Faculty25/06/2022
210Uttar Pradesh Startup Policy 202025/06/2022
211Schedule of Class Test 1 (B.Tech, M.Tech and MBA 1st year) & B.Tech Class Test 2 (B.Tech 2nd year) Even Semester 2021-2222/06/2022
212Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation B.Tech.(First & Third Semester), MBA & M.Tech. (First Semester) Examination held in February and March 2022 18/06/2022
213\'Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation B.Tech.(First & Third Semester), MBA & M.Tech. (First Semester) Examination held in February and March 2022 18/06/2022
214'Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation B.Tech.(First & Third Semester), MBA & M.Tech. (First Semester) Examination held in February and March 2022 18/06/2022
215schedule for B Tech Class Test 1st (1st year) & Class Test 2nd (2nd year) Even Semester 2021-22 red-gif16/06/2022
216Academic Calendar B.Tech (1st Year and 2nd Year), MBA (1st Year) and M.Tech (1st Year)red-gif 10/05/2022
217Important Notice Regarding Semester Breakred-gif10/05/2022
218Important Notice Regarding Libraryred-gif04/05/2022
219Important Notice Regarding Plagrismred-gif28/04/2022
220Final Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 3rd & 4th Year, MBA 2nd Year) Examination, 2021-22"red-gif 25/04/2022
221Class Test - I (B.Tech 2nd Year) Schedulered-gif 22/04/2022
222Due to unavoidable circumstances the faculty interviews scheduled from 21st April to 30th April 2022 are being postponed till further noticered-gif 19/04/2022
223Rolling Advertisement for Contractual Facultyred-gif 19/04/2022
224Tentative Examination Schedule EVEN Semester (B.Tech. 3rd & 4th Year, MBA 2nd Year) Examination, 2021-22red-gif15/04/2022
225Schedule of Presentation and Interview at AKTU Lucknow Advertisement No. SPREC/2021/01 dated 06/09/2021red-gif10/04/2022
226Regarding Registration and commencement of Even Semester 2021-22 (1st Year B Tech,MBA,M Tech)red-gif 31/03/2022
227Final schedule of 3rd Year Re- Examination 2021-22' B.Tech.(Chemical Engineering)red-gif 31/03/2022
228Important Notice Regarding Online Registration of B.Tech, M Tech and M.B.A. First Yearred-gif 31/03/2022
229Class Test - II (B.Tech 3rd & 4th Year and M.B.A. 2nd Year) Schedulered-gif 30/03/2022
230Tentative schedule of 3rd semester Re- Examination 2021-22red-gif28/03/2022
231Important Notice Regarding E-Books and E-Journalred-gif 26/03/2022
232Regarding Re schedule of 2nd Class Test for B Tech (3rd & 4th year) Even Semester 2021-22red-gif24/03/2022
233"Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2021-22" Ist Semester B. Tech., MBA & M. Tech. Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers)red-gif16/03/2022
234Regarding Registration and commencement of Even Semester 2021-22 (4th B Tech)red-gif07/03/2022
235Regarding Examination form Odd Semester session 2021-22 B.Tech./M.Tech/MBA (1st Semester)red-gif04/03/2022
236B.Tech/MBA/M.Tech Regular 1st Year Students Roll No List 2021-22red-gif04/03/2022
237E-Newsletterred-gif 28/02/2022
238Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2021-22" IIIrd Semester Semester B. Tech.Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers)red-gif 24/02/2022
239Important Notice Regarding Library Cardred-gif 24/02/2022
240Class Test - I (B.Tech 3rd & 4th Year and M.B.A. 2nd Year) Schedulered-gif 22/02/2022
241Class Test - II (B.Tech, M.Tech and M.B.A. 1st semester) Schedulered-gif18/02/2022
242Tentative Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2021-22, IIIrd Semester Semester B. Tech.Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers) Testred-gif 17/02/2022
243Important Notice regarding Class Testred-gif 17/02/2022
244B.Tech Lateral Entry Students Roll No List 2021-22red-gif 15/02/2022
245Regarding Examination form Odd Semester session 2021-22 B.Tech.(IIIrd Semester)red-gif 15/02/2022
246Important notice Regarding Libartyred-gif 11/02/2022
247Regarding Offline Classesred-gif 08/02/2022
248AICTE has launched a Centralized Support System (a digital platform)red-gif 08/02/2022
249Regarding Hostel 08/02/2022
250Important Notice : Regarding the End Semester Examination of B.Tech (2nd Year)29/01/2022
251Republic Day Celebrationred-gif 25/01/2022
252Important notice regarding those students whose parents/guardian are lost during covid-19 pandemicred-gif21/01/2022
253Important Notice : Regarding Fee and Mess Fee for B.Tech(6th and 8th Semester), M.Tech (4th Semester) and M.B.A. (4th Semester)red-gif20/01/2022
254Important Notice Regarding Student Registration for B.Tech(6th and 8th Semester), M.Tech (4th Semester) and M.B.A. (4th Semester)red-gif19/01/2022
255Time table of B.Tech III and IV year and MBA II yearred-gif 17/01/2022
256Revised Schedule for online Class Test-1 MBA Ist semred-gif15/01/2022
257Regarding Registration and commencement of Even Semester(6th & 8th B Tech, 4th MBA)red-gif12/01/2022
258Class Test - I (2021-22 Odd Semester) Scheduled for B.Tech, M.B.A. and M.Tech first yearred-gif12/01/2022
259Regarding Online classes from 10-01-22 to 16-01-22red-gif10/01/2022
260Important Notice : AICTE NEAT (internship portal for students)red-gif07/01/2022
261Regarding B Tech IIIrd Semester Examination 2021-22red-gif06/01/2022
262Regarding Registration of VIth & VIIIth Semester B Tech, IVth Semester MBA & M Tech for Session 2021-22red-gif06/01/2022
263Master Seating Plan Odd Semester Examination 2021-22 red-gif27/12/2021
264Important Notice for Second year Students Regarding Odd Semester Examination, 2021-22red-gif20/12/2021
265"Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2021-22" (Regular and Carryover Papers) Vth & VIIth Semester B. Tech. ,IIIrd Semester MBA & IIIrd Semester M.TechTheory red-gif20/12/2021
266Important Notice Regarding All TEQIP-III Faculty NO-Dues18/12/2021
267Tentative Examination Schedule Odd Semester Examination, 2021-22, Regular and Carryover Papers, (B. Tech. Vth & VIIth Semester, MBA & M.Tech IIIrd Semester) red-gif14/12/2021
268Important Notice regarding Libraryred-gif 06/12/2021
269Class Time Table B.Tech, First Year Session 2021-22red-gif04/12/2021
270Regarding Examination form Odd Semester session 2021-22 B.Tech.(Vth, VIIth Semester), M.B.A. & M. Tech. (IIIrd Semester)red-gif 02/12/2021
271Class Test 2nd schedule for B Tech(IIIrd, Vth, VIIth semester) , MBA(IIIrd semester), M Tech(IIIrd semester) Odd Semester 2021-22'red-gif30/11/2021
272Mission Shakti 3.0 on December 1, 2021 red-gif29/11/2021
273Last date for scholarship form submissionred-gif23/11/2021
274Academic Calendar M. Tech 1st Year (I Semester) Session 2021-22red-gif23/11/2021
275Academic Calendar B. Tech 1st Year (I Semester) & B. Tech 2nd Year (III Semester) Lateral Entry and MBA 1st Year (I Semester) Session 2021-22red-gif 23/11/2021
276Important Notice Regarding Scholarshipred-gif 22/11/2021
277Academic Calendar 2021-22 Odd Semesterred-gif20/11/2021
278Regarding Re schedule of II Class Test for B Tech, MBA, M Tech ( 2nd , 3rd & 4th year) Odd Semester 2021-22red-gif18/11/2021
279Auction Notice for Tree in BIET Campusred-gif18/11/2021
280National Webinar on Success Stories of Startupsred-gif 17/11/2021
281Notice regarding Alumni Association's Databasered-gif12/11/2021
282Notice for Students Regarding Classes and Attendancered-gif11/11/2021
283Regarding M Tech admission 2021red-gif12/11/2021
284Final Schedule for Special C.O. and Leftover (Covid19), Examination 2020-21red-gif10/11/2021
285Tentative Schedule for Special C.O. and Leftover (Covid19), 2020-21red-gif01/11/2021
286Anti Ragging Cellred-gif30/10/2021
287M. Tech (2021-22) Admissions (candidates qualified in GATE/Entrance Exam conducted by AKTU/ Institutional entrance exam to be conducted on 01 Nov 2021)red-gif27/10/2021
288Notice for Special Carry Over Exam 2020-21red-gif25/10/2021
289Regarding Class Test 1st schedule for B Tech, MBA, M Tech ( IIIrd sem,Vth semester, VIIth semester) Odd Semester 2021-22red-gif23/10/2021
290Helpline No for newly Admitted Studentsred-gif19/10/2021
291Regarding Class Test 1st re schedule for B Tech, MBA, M Tech ( 2nd,3rd,4th year) Odd Semester 2021-22red-gif16/10/2021
292Examination Schedule of Left Over Students B Tech, M Tech, MBA Theory Even Semester 2020-21 red-gif13/10/2021
293Examination Schedule of Left Over Students B Tech, M Tech, MBA Theory Even Semester 2020-2113/10/2021
294Notice Regarding Left Over Examination (On Line)red-gif11/10/2021
295Important Notice : Regarding the UPCET-2021 Counselling/Physical Reportingred-gif11/10/2021
296Notice Regarding Scholarship form Submission Date 11-10-2021red-gif07/10/2021
297Important Instruction Regarding Registration of Newly Admitted Ist Year B.Tech/MBA & Lateral Entry IInd Year for Session 2021-22red-gif05/10/2021
298Notice for those Students who have not appeared in Semester Exam 2020-21 due to some Specific reasonred-gif30/09/2021
299Regarding Scholarship form Submission Date 2021-22red-gif28/09/2021
300M.Tech admission (Session 2021-22) through GATE or AKTUred-gif24/09/2021
301Important Notice Regarding Libraryred-gif23/09/2021
302Regarding Scholarship Session 2021-22red-gif21/09/2021
303Notice Regarding Scholarship (Samaj Kalyan Vibhag) 2021-22red-gif18/09/2021
304Time Table Session 2021-22red-gif14/09/2021
305Important Notice Regarding Libraryred-gif 13/09/2021
306Notices Regarding Saket and Jaibharat Bhawan Hostelred-gif 13/09/2021
307Academic Calendar of M.Tech for Session 2021-22(Odd Semester)red-gif 13/09/2021
308Fee structure of session 2021-22red-gif02/09/2021
309'Notice Regarding Fee Submission for All Students of BIET Jhansi'red-gif28/08/2021
310Important Notice Regarding All Students of BIET Jhansi red-gif27/08/2021
311Walk-in-Interview of Guest Faculty for session 2021-22red-gif24/08/2021
312Notice Regarding Examination(24-08-2021) Postponed on 10-09-2021red-gif 21/08/2021
313Important Notice Regarding Kalpna Chawla Hostelred-gif19/08/2021
314Notice Regarding M.Tech & Ph.D Studentsred-gif17/08/2021
315Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation 0dd Semester
316Important Notice Regarding the Students, who have not submitted the books issued from Libraryred-gif16/08/2021
317M.Tech admission (Session 2021-22) through GATEred-gif13/08/2021
318Corrected Examination Schedule of B Tech Theory Even Semester 2020-21red-gif11/08/2021
319Important Notice Regarding Panchwati Hostelred-gif 11/08/2021
320Important Notice regarding libraryred-gif 09/08/2021
321Notice regarding scholarshipred-gif 07/08/2021
322National Digital Library of Indiared-gif30/07/2021
323AICTE associated National Level Internship Program (NLIP) for engineering studentsred-gif 23/07/2021
324Corrected Examination Schedule of B Tech Theory Even Semester 2020-21red-gif23/07/2021
325Important Library Noticered-gif22/07/2021
326Examination Schedule of II, IV, VI Semester B Tech, M Tech, MBA Theory Even Semester 2020-21red-gif19/07/2021
327Student Helpline Cell Regarding Even Semester Examination 2021red-gif16/07/2021
328Placement Record 2019-20red-gif13/07/2021
329Placement Record 2020-21red-gif13/07/2021
330Important Notice for Students Regarding Even Semester Examination 2020-21red-gif12/07/2021
331Examination Schedule of VIII Semester Theory Even Semester Regular Examination, 2020-21red-gif12/07/2021
332Class Test II Schedule Even Semester 2021red-gif 07/07/2021
333Regarding Class Test 2nd re schedule for B Tech, MBA, M Tech ( 1st & 2nd year) Even Semester 2020-21red-gif03/07/2021
334National Webinar on Career Opportunities after Engineering on 5th July 2021red-gif 30/06/2021
335Video and Poster Making Competition for students of UBA Institutionsred-gif30/06/2021
336Webinar on Cyber Security on 7th July 2021red-gif29/06/2021
337Important Notice for Students Regarding Even Semester 2020-21 Online Examred-gif23/06/2021
338International Yoga Dayred-gif 19/06/2021
339Regarding Examination form session 2020-21 Even Semesterred-gif18/06/2021
340National Webinar on "Life Beyond Studies" on 13th June 2021, 3pmred-gif12/06/2021
341Important Notice : Information Regarding Laptop/
342Important notice regarding those students whose parents/guardian are lost during covid-19 pandemicred-gif05/06/2021
343National Webinar on Satellite Communication on 5th June 2021 at 3 PM jointly organized by BIET Jhansi, SPIU UP, ISTE New Delhi and NUMEREGION, Punered-gif03/06/2021
344Class Test Schedule Even Semester Session 2020-21red-gif03/06/2021
345Important Notice Regarding Classesred-gif01/06/2021
346Class Test Schedule Even Semester 2021red-gif24/05/2021
347Important Notice Regarding Resume Classesred-gif20/05/2021
348Important Notice Regarding Classesred-gif07/05/2021
349Academic Calendar 2020-21 Even Semester B.Tech (IInd and IVth Semester)red-gif19/04/2021
350Academic Calendar 2020-21 Even Semester M.Tech (IInd and IVth Semester)red-gif19/04/2021
351Importance of IP Protection for Startupsred-gif17/04/2021
352Time table of B.Tech Ist, 2nd year and MBA red-gif06/04/2021
353Time table of B.Tech Ist, 2nd year and MBAred-gif06/04/2021
354Class Test-I Schedule Even Semester 2021 3rd and final yearred-gif03/04/2021
355Regarding Class Test 1st re-schedule for B.Tech ( IIIrd & IVth year) Even Semester 2020-21red-gif22/03/2021
356Correction of exam schedule M.Tech (Environmental) IIIrd Semester March 2021red-gif18/03/2021
357Correction in Final Schedule of M Tech III semester Exam 2020-21red-gif 10/03/2021
358Important Notice Regarding change in Roll No of B.Tech 1st year studentsred-gif10/03/2021
359Final Examination Schedule of Ist , IIIrd Semester & V Semester(Special Exam COVID) Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers) Examination, 2020-21" red-gif08/03/2021
360Notice Regarding Fee Reimbursement and Scholarship for session 2020-21red-gif25/02/2021
361Suspected data of SC/ST/General students for year 2020-2021red-gif24/02/2021
362First year time table effective from 1 March 2021red-gif24/02/2021
363Tentative Examination Schedule of Ist & IIIrd Semester Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers) Examination, 2020-21red-gif23/02/2021
364Examination Instructions and COVID-19 Guideline for Studentsred-gif23/02/2021
365Schedule of Class Test-II Session 2020-21 ODD Semester for B.Tech(First Year), B.Tech(Second Year Lateral Entry), M.Tech (First Year) & M.B.A. (First Year)red-gif22/02/2021
366Important Notice Regarding Hostel Reopening for CE(3&4 Year), ECE (3&4 Year) and All Branches (1&2 Year))red-gif 20/02/2021
367Notice for Examination of left over Students Who could not appear in Odd Semester examination January 2021 due to COVID 20red-gif19/02/2021
368Notice Regarding Migration Certificatered-gif11/02/2021
369Notice Regarding Fee Reimbursement and Scholarship for session 2020-21red-gif11/02/2021
370Notice Regarding Chief Minister Abhyuday Planred-gif11/02/2021
371Time Table of III and IV year Even Semester (2020-21)red-gif11/02/2021
372Regarding non-transfer of scholarship funds to
373Important Notice Regarding correction in Exam form for First year studentsred-gif05/02/2021
374Roll No of New admitted studentred-gif02/02/2021
375Regarding Examination form Ist & IIIrd semester B.TECH, MBA & M.TECH students session 2020-21 Odd Semesterred-gif02/02/2021
376Regarding Enrollment for New Admitted Student session 2020-21red-gif25/01/2021
377Schedule of Class Test-I Session 2020-21 ODD Semester for B.Tech(First Year), B.Tech(Second Year Lateral Entry), M.Tech (First Year) & M.B.A. (First Year). red-gif22/01/2021
378Odd Semester Exam (2020-21) Seating Planred-gif15/01/2021
379Regarding Class Test 1st Re Schedule for B Tech (First Year & Second Year Lateral Entry), M Tech & MBA (First Semester)red-gif12/01/2021
380Final Examination Schedule of Odd Semester Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers) Examination, 2020-21red-gif 11/01/2021
381Regarding Class Test 1st Re-Schedule for B Tech (First Year & Second Year Lateral Entry)red-gif08/01/2021
382Important Notice : Rules and Regulations for Hostel residents during Odd Semester Exam (2020-21)red-gif07/01/2021
383Shri Dorilal Agrawal Scholarship to Meritorious Disabled Students 2020red-gif05/01/2021
384International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing (ICMM-2021)red-gif04/01/2021
385Regarding admission for Session 2021-22red-gif04/01/2021
386Examination Instructions and COVID-19 Guideline for Studentsred-gif01/01/2021
387Notice Regarding Examination Schedule of Odd Semester Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers) Examination, 2020-21red-gif01/01/2021
388Induction Program Schedule for First Year Studentsred-gif08/01/2021
389Schedule of Class Test-I Session 2020-21 ODD Semester for M.Tech & MBA 3rd Semred-gif23/12/2020
390Regarding Class Test 1st Re-Schedulered-gif22/12/2020
391Notice for Examination of left over Students Who could not appear in Even Semester examination September 2020 due to COVID 20red-gif15/12/2020
392Regarding National Scholarship Application formred-gif 15/12/2020
393National Webinar on " How to get your dream job? using INFINITE POWERS of your mind" jointly organized by SPIU UP and BIET Jhansi on 13th December 2020 at 11:00 amred-gif15/12/2020
394Class Time Table 1st Yearred-gif05/12/2020
395Regarding Scholarship Session 2020-21red-gif05/12/2020
396Important Instruction Regarding Registration of New Admitted Ist Year B Tech/MBA & Lateral Entry IInd Year for Session 2020-21red-gif01/12/2020
397Examination form B Tech V Semester & VII Semester session 2020-21 Odd Semesterred-gif27/11/2020
398M.Tech Spot Counselling-3 on 28 Nov.2020red-gif23/11/2020
399Notice Regarding registration of MBA and M.Tech. second year studentsred-gif23/11/2020
400Important Instruction Regarding Fee Submission of New Admitted Ist Year B Tech/MBA & Lateral Entry IInd Year for Session 2020-21red-gif20/11/2020
401M.Tech on Spot round -2 counselling on 19/11/2020red-gif13/11/2020
402Important Instruction Regarding Registration of New Admitted Ist Year B Tech/MBA & Lateral Entry IInd Year for Session 2020-21red-gif13/11/2020
403Documents for Registration of first year/ lateral entry students for session 2020-21red-gif13/11/2020
404Final Schedule for Carry Over Examination, Even semester 2019-20 ( For Third Year & Second Year Students), 2019-2020red-gif12/11/2020
405Final Schedule for Special Carry Over Examination, 2019-20 (Only for Pass Out Students), 2019-2020red-gif11/11/2020
406Final Schedule for Carry Over Examination, Even semester 2019-20 ( For Third Year Students), 2019-2020red-gif11/11/2020
407Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Conduct of Carry over Examinationred-gif10/11/2020
408Covid Notice Carry Over Exam 2019-20red-gif10/11/2020
409Scrutiny & Re evaluation Result 2019-20red-gif10/11/2020
410Tentative Schedule for Special Carry Over Examination & Carry Over Examination, 2019-20red-gif06/11/2020
411Regarding Registration & Fee payment of MBA, M Tech (III Semester) session 2020-21red-gif03/11/2020
412National Webinar is organized on the topic 'Gender Sensitisation and Women Empowerment'red-gif30/10/2020
413Notice for Special Carry Over Exam 2019-20red-gif29/10/2020
414Online Class Test-II (Odd Semester 2020-21) Schedulered-gif28/10/2020
415The Third list of provisionally allotted candidates for M.Tech 2020-21red-gif27/10/2020
416Regarding Scholarship form 2020red-gif27/09/2020
417Regarding Class Test rescheduled from 02-11-2020 to 04-11-2020 red-gif26/10/2020
418The second list of provisionally allotted candidates for M.Tech 2020-21red-gif21/10/2020
419AICTE Pragati and Saksham Scholarship Schemes (Degree Level) - Uttar Pradeshred-gif19/10/2020
420Regarding Chhatra Vishwakarma Award 2020red-gif19/10/2020
421Regarding Scrutiny & Re-evaluation Even Semester 2019-20red-gif12/10/2020
422Provisional Seat allotment of M.Tech Students for session 2020-21red-gif12/10/2020
423All India competition for Aatmanirbhar Bharat Organized VIBHA and Unnat Bharat Abhiyan for B.Tech, M.Tech Studentsred-gif06/10/2020
424Transformations in Computer Science and Engineering (Under Knowledge Transfer Series) 26th September 2020 at 3 PM through ZOOM Meetred-gif26/09/2020
425Online Class Test-I (Odd Semester 2020-21) Schedulered-gif24/09/2020
426Odd Semester Exam (Session 2019-20) MBA and M.Tech seating plan red-gif21/09/2020
427Important Notice regarding Guest faculty selection 2020red-gif17/09/2020
428Walk-in interview for the Selection of Guest Faculty for the session 2020-21 in various departments of the institutered-gif10/09/2020
429Important Notice Regarding Admission in M.Tech Programmes for Session 2020-21red-gif10/09/2020
430Even Semester Exam (2019-20) Seating Plan for Final Year Studentsred-gif11/09/2020
431Guidelines related to entry and exit during Examred-gif05/09/2020
432Arrival and Departure Schedule of Students for appearing in September 2020 (Theory Examination, 2019-20)red-gif02/09/2020
433Regarding Class Test rescheduled from 28-09-2020 to 30-09-2020red-gif02/09/2020
434Notice Regarding Branch Changered-gif01/09/2020
435Important Notice Regarding Examination Instructions and COVID-19 guidelines for Even Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20red-gif01/09/2020
436Final Examination Schedule of Even Semester Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers) Examination, 2019-20red-gif01/09/2020
437Admission to M Tech Programmes for Academic Year 2020-21red-gif01/09/2020
438Important instructions for students regarding scholarship and fee reimbursement-2020-21red-gif29/08/2020
439Notice form BIET Central Libraryred-gif28/08/2020
440Important Notice Regarding Examination Schedule of Even Semester Theory (Regular and Carryover Papers) Examination, 2019-20red-gif26/08/2020
441Advertisement for Appointment of Director (Advertisement No:BIET-02/2020) red-gif21/08/2020
442Regarding Scholarship (Samaj Kalyan Vibhag) New sessionred-gif18/08/2020
443Regarding Registration & Fee payment of session 2020-21red-gif11/08/2020
444Important Notice regarding Fee Payment of Session 2020-21\"red-gif\"11/08/2020
445Important Notice regarding Fee Payment of Session 2020-21red-gif25/08/2020
446VLabs E-BOOTATHON from August 18-24, 2020red-gif10/08/2020
447National webinar on Artificial Intelligence applied to COVID 19 DATA 8TH AUGUST 2 PM JOINTLY ORGANISED BY SPIU UP & BIET JHANSIred-gif07/08/2020
448Time Table (2020-21)red-gif05/08/2020
449Academic Calendar 2020-21 Odd Semester red-gif05/08/2020
450Regarding Fee Payment through Bank Loanred-gif05/08/2020
451Webinar on 'AICTE SCHOLARSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and TRAVEL SUPPORT for STUDENTS on 7 August, 5 pmred-gif04/08/2020
452FEES STRUCTURE SESSION 2020-21red-gif30/07/2020
453Regarding BIET Examination form B.Tech MBA & M.Tech session 2019-20 Even Semesterred-gif28/07/2020
454Important Notice Regarding Odd Semester Registrationred-gif27/07/2020
455कार्यालयज्ञापए दिनांकरू 24.07.2020 red-gif25/07/2020
456Webinar on MSP430 Microcontroller and Project Designing on July 25, 2020, at 11:00 AM10/07/2020
457An Appeal by Director regarding COVID-19red-gif17/07/2020
458Internship through Drug Discovery Hackathon with massive training sessions from 13 th July 2:30 pm onwards on YouTube Channel: MHRD Innovation
459Regarding Time table for Scholarship and fee reimbursement session 2020-21red-gif10/07/2020
460Regarding updation of AADHAAR for scholarship & fee reimbursement session :2020-21red-gif10/07/2020
461Important Notice: COVID-19 help deskred-gif06/07/2020
462A Webinar on Advancements in Antenna Simulation with Webinar on Advancements in Antenna Simulation with TaraNG:19.1red-gif02/07/2020
463Annual Progress Report 2018-19red-gif01/07/2020
464Webinar on Learning from Bollywood Movies 20 June 2020 from 5 pm to 7 pmred-gif18/06/2020
465Webinar on Effective Decision Making Tools during and beyond COVID-19red-gif11/06/2020
466Important Notice: TEQIP Phase III: ???Diagnostic Assessment??? of students in online mode through NASSCOM SSCred-gif09/06/2020
467Office Order Regarding COVID-19red-gif01/06/2020
468Precautionary measures for COVID-19red-gif26/05/2020
469Regarding Enrollment Formred-gif22/05/2020
470An Appeal by Director and Chairmanred-gif18/05/2020
471Guruji Shri Ravi Shankar's live session for TEQIP institute's students and faculty May 9, 11:30 amred-gif09/05/2020
472Notice Regarding Ayush Kavachred-gif07/05/2020
473AICTE Offers 49 Free E-Learning Courses For Studentsred-gif06/05/2020
474Online Class Test-II Schedulered-gif28/04/2020
475Regarding Class Test-IIred-gif25/04/2020
476Notice regarding NCERred-gif21/04/2020
477Instruction for Institutes on 15.04.2020 by AICTEred-gif16/04/2020
478Important Notice regarding COVID-19red-gif11/04/2020
479?????? ?? ????? ????????????? ?? ????30/03/2020
480Free online courses for Faculty and Studentsred-gif30/03/2020
481Let COVID-19 not stop you learningred-gif26/03/2020
482Office Order Regarding COVID-19red-gif21/03/2020
483Advisory regarding COVID-19 19/03/2020
484Advisory regarding COVID-19 19/03/2020
485Advisory regarding COVID-19 \"red-gif\"19/03/2020
486Advisory regarding COVID-19 red-gif19/03/2020
487Important Notice Regarding Enrollment of all UG & PG Studentsred-gif19/03/2020
488Regarding Classes Suspended up to 22-03-2020red-gif14/03/2020
489Regarding Class Test Ired-gif06/02/2020
490Regarding Scrutiny & Reevaluation Odd Semester 2019-20red-gif29/01/2020
491Final Schedule for B.Tech IInd year Old Scheme/Syllabus and Carryover Old Scheme/Syllabus Odd Semester Examination 2019 20red-gif20/12/2019
492Time Table 2019-20red-gif18/12/2019
493Tentative Schedule for B.Tech IInd year Old Scheme/Syllabus and Carryover Old Scheme/Syllabus Odd Semester Examination 2019 20red-gif12/12/2019
494Regarding Even Semester Admission Session 2019-20 Remaining Institute and Mess Feered-gif02/12/2019
495Notice for Second Year Regular and Ex Old scheme odd semester 2018 19red-gif20/11/2019
496Revised Final Schedule for Final Year Students Odd Semester, 2019-20red-gif20/11/2019
497Final Schedule for 1st year B Tech, MBA, M Tech _ New & Old Syllabus_ & IInd year M Tech Odd Semester 2019-20red-gif18/11/2019
498Regarding Odd Semester Exam Seating Planred-gif18/11/2019
499Final Schedule for B.Tech IInd, IIIrd, Final Year & MBA IInd Year Odd Semester, 2019-20red-gif15/11/2019
500BIET Examination form Ist year B.Tech, MBA & M.Tech session 2019-20red-gif13/11/2019
501Tentative Schedule B.Tech, MBA, M.Tech Ist year & old Ist & IInd year Odd Semester 2019-20red-gif 12/11/2019
502Tantative Schedule for B Tech IInd, IIIrd , Final Year & MBA IInd Year Odd Semester, 2019 20red-gif05/11/2019
503BIET Examination form IInd, IIIrd, IVth year B Tech MBA & Mtech odd sem 2018-19red-gif05/11/2019
504Class Test - II Seating Plan red-gif22/10/2019
505Class Test - II Schedule red-gif22/10/2019
506Regarding Class Test IIred-gif22/10/2019
507Regarding Class Test Odd Semester 2019-20red-gif28/08/2019
508Notice Regarding Mandatory 75% Attendance for Scholarshipred-gif21/08/2019
509Notice Regarding IInd year Internal branch change 2019-20 red-gif14/08/2018
510Regarding Direct Admission for M Tech on vacant seats for Session 2019-20red-gif13/08/2019
511Regarding Scrutiny & Reevaluation Even Semester 2018-19red-gif29/07/2019
512Regarding Internal Branch Sliding for new Student admitted in 2019red-gif29/07/2019
514Regarding Anti ragging Affidavits for New Studentred-gif18/07/2019
515Tentative Schedule for Special Carry Over 2018-19red-gif17/07/2019
516Important Instruction for 1st Year & 2nd Year (Lateral Entry) students for session 2019-20red-gif15/07/2019
517Regarding Ph.D Studentred-gif10/07/2019
518Notice for Special Carry Over Exam 2018-19red-gif01/07/2019
521Regarding Fee Structure Session 2019-2025/06/2019
522Regarding Student Registration Session 2019-20 ODD Semesterred-gif21/06/2019
523Library Notice 22/04/2019red-gif22/04/2019
524Final Schedule for Even Semester B Tech, MBA, M Tech Exam 2018-19red-gif15/04/2019
525Tentative Schedule for B.Tech, MBA, M.Tech Even Semester, 2018-19red-gif04/04/2019
526Regarding Examination Form for Even Semester 2018-19red-gif26/03/2019
527Regarding Scrutiny & Reevaluation of First Year Odd Semester 2018-1908/03/2019
528Scruitiny / Reevailution for the Examination held in Dec 2018 red-gif11/02/2019
529Regarding Scrutiny & Reevaluation Odd Semester 2018-19red-gif01/02/2019
530Important Notice Regarding Student Registration 2018-19 Even Semester Newred-gif18/12/2018
531Notice Regarding Student Registration 2018 19 Even Semesterred-gif11/12/2018
532Revised schedule for M. Tech.-First Semester Construction Technology & Management Odd Semester 2018 - 19red-gif 03/12/2018
533Final Schedule for all Odd Semester Examination, 2018-19 red-gif29/11/2018
534Final Schedule for all Odd Semester Examination, 2018-1929/11/2018
535BIET Examination form 1st year B Tech, MBA & Mtech odd semester 2018-19red-gif28/11/2018
536Tantative Schedule for Ist (CO, Ex), IInd, IIIrd & Final Year Odd Semester, B Tech & MBA 2018-19red-gif22/11/2018
537Notice Regarding BIET Examination form IInd, IIIrd, IVth year B Tech MBA & Mtech odd semester 2018-19red-gif17/11/2018
538Notice Regarding Scholarship 16/10/2018 red-gif16/10/2018
539Notice Regarding Enrollment (1st Year B Tech , MBA & IInd Year Literal)red-gif10/10/2018
540Regarding Ist class test odd sem 2018-19red-gif05/09/2018
541Regarding Last date of scholarship form Submissionred-gif05/09/2018
542Workshop on ???Opportunities and Challenges for Holistic Development of Bundelkhand Region??? red-gif01/09/2018
543Notice Regarding Branch Change for Second Year B.Tech. Students Except Literal Entry23/08/2018
544Requirment of Staff for TEQIP-III Cell at BIET Jhansired-gif21/08/2018
546Regarding Internal Branch Sliding for new Student red-gif14/08/2018
547Regarding Internal Branch Sliding for new admitted studentred-gif10/08/2018
548Notice for M. Tech. Studentsred-gif06/08/2018
549Notice for Special Carry Over Exam 2017-18red-gif02/08/2018
550Notice regarding Scrutiny form Even Semester Exam 2017-18red-gif02/08/2018
551Important Notice related to internal sliding (Internal Branch Change) for newly admitted students (Admitted between July 20-25, 2018) at BIET Jhansired-gif26/07/2018
552Important Notice related to Registration and Beginning of Classes of Newly Admitted Ist Year (B Tech/Lateral Entry and MBA Students of session 2018-19red-gif21/07/2018
553Important Notice related to Registration of All the 2nd, 3rd and Final Year students of BIET Jhansired-gif21/07/2018
554Important Instruction for Ist Year/ Lateral Entry students for session 2018-19 red-gif17/07/2018
555Revised Fee Structure for 2nd, 3rd and Final Year Students of BIET Jhansi of session 2018-1917/07/2018
556Online Admission Session 2018-19 for 1st year/Lateral Entry(2nd year) Student red-gif17/07/2018
557Walk In Interview of Guest Faculty & Personality Development Trainer 2018-19 red-gif17/07/2018
558TEQIP PHASE-III red-gif17/07/2018
559Notices for registration of Ist year students and for 2nd, 3rd and Final year students for session 2018-19 red-gif12/07/2018
560Final Schedule M.Tech 2017-18 Even Semester18/05/2018
561Date correction of final year Chemical Engg Exam Schdule18/05/2018
562Important circular for Student Regarding Examination11/05/2018
563Notice regarding Exam Form M Tech IInd Sem 2017-1810/05/2018
564Revised Final Schedule for Even Semester , 2017-1809/05/2018
565Tentative Schedule M.Tech Even Semester 2017-1809/05/2018
566Final Schedule for Theory Examination (EVEN SEMESTER), 2017-201804/05/2018
567Notice Regarding Tentative Exam Schedule for Even Semester - 2017-18 02/05/2018
568Regarding Exam Form Even Semester May 2018 for B.Tech & MBA23/04/2018
569Notice Regarding CT-II Even Semester 2017-18)11/04/2018
570Notice Regarding Scrutiny (to see answer sheet) 03/04/2018
571Notice Regarding Fee 30/03/2018
572Notice Regarding Scrutiny 20/03/2018
574Regarding change of student Bank Account03/02/2018
575Registration Notice Even Semester 2017-1810/01/2018
576Final Schedule M.Tech Odd Semester 2017 1803/01/2018
577Regarding Exam Form M Tech Odd Semester 2017-1803/01/2018
578Tentative Schedule for M Tech Theory Examination (ODD SEMESTER), 2017-201827/12/2017
579Re-Scheduled Examination Timing for ODD Semester Examination 2017-18 21/12/2017
580Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester 2017-1820/12/2017
581Final Examination Schedule Odd Semester 2017-1820/12/2017
582Tentative Schedule for Theory Examination (ODD SEMESTER), 2017-1814/12/2017
583Regarding Exam Form Odd Sem 2017-1814/12/2017
584Notice Regarding Class Test - IInd Odd Semester for Session 2017-1831/10/2017
585Notice Regarding Enrollment for Session 2017-18 07/10/2017
586Notice Regarding Scholarship 2017-1815/09/2017
587Schedule for Special C.O. Examination, 2016 - 1701/09/2017
588Regarding Branch Change of Newly Admitted B.Tech. First Year Student30/08/2017
589Notice Regarding Branch change 2nd Year III semester17/08/2017
590Notice for Special Carry Over Exam & Format of Exam Form17/08/2017
591Notice Regarding Internal Branch Change Counselling for Newly Admitted B.Tech. Students Session 2017-1806/08/2017
592New Notice Regarding Samaj Kalyan Scholarship 2017-1831/07/2017
593Notice for Scrutiny B. Tech./M.B.A. even semester May 201731/07/2017
594Instructions for Newly Admitted M. Tech. Students Session 2017-1826/07/2017
595Instructions for Newly Admitted M. Tech. Students Session 2017-1826/07/2017
596Instruction Manual for Students for Fee Submission with E-Challan / Payment Gateway and Online Registration26/07/2017
597Notice Regarding Samaj Kalyan Scholarship 2017-1821/07/2017
598Fee Structure 2017-1815/07/2017
599Instructions for Newly Admitted Students Session 2017-1815/07/2017
600Instructions for 2nd Yr, 3rd Yr and Final Yr Students for Session 2017-1815/07/2017
601Guest Faculty Recruitment for Session 2017-1803/07/2017
602Updated New Schedule M.Tech. Even Semester 2016-1726/05/2017
603M.Tech. Examination Form Notification for Second Semester 23/05/2017
604Examination Schedule for M.Tech. Even Semester 2016-17 20/05/2017
605Notice for Scrutiny M Tech odd semester Jan 2017 16/05/2017
606Faculty recruitment Advt. No.: 2/2017 13/05/2017
607Final Schedule for Theory Examination (EVEN SEMESTER), 2016-201710/05/2017
608Regarding Scholarship (SC/ST) 2016-1702/05/2017
609Examination form for old Student & Ph D Student26/04/2017
610Tentative Schedule for Theory Examination (EVEN SEMESTER), 2016-201726/04/2017
611Notice Regarding Scholarship03/04/2017
612Notice Regarding Class Test - II for Even Semester Session 2016-1701/04/2017
613One Day WORKSHOP On "Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in UG & PG Programs" organised by Dean, Academics Office, BIET, Jhansi on March 31, 201730/03/2017
614Notice Regarding Fee17/03/2017
615FDP On INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (IRSETM-2017) jointly organized by App. Sc. & Hum. and CS&E Departments during March 21-25, 201710/03/2017
616Urgent Notice for All B.I.E.T., Students By T&P Cell regarding HR Meet Summit 201710/03/2017
617Library Notice28/09/2016
618"Notice Regarding Class Test - I for Even Semester Session 2016-1720/02/2017
619Notice Regarding Scrutiny odd semester Dec 201603/02/2017
620Academic Calendar for B. Tech. and MBA Odd Semester Session 2016-1703/02/2017
621Academic Calendar for M. Tech. Odd Semester Session 2016-1703/02/2017
622Notice for Change in Examination Schedule27/01/2017
623Notice for Ist Class Test of M. Tech. Students, 2015-1627/01/2017
624Notice Regarding Examination Form Submission for Odd Semester of Session 2016-1721/01/2017
625Library Notice 201626/07/2016
626Notice Regarding Mess Fee Advance21/01/2017
627Important Information for New Students(B.Tech/MBA/Lateral Entry)2016 of BIET JHANSI21/01/2017
628Academic Calendar for B. Tech. and MBA Odd Semester Session 2016-1721/01/2017
629Academic Calendar for M. Tech. (III Semester) Odd Semester Session 2016-1721/01/2017
630Academic Calendar for M. Tech. (I Semester) Odd Semester Session 2016-1721/01/2017
631Notice Regarding Pradhan mantri Kaushal vikas Yojana21/01/2017
632Regarding Demand Draft of Fee / Mess Charge for all Students at the time of Registration21/01/2017
633Revised Registration Dates for IInd Yr, IIIrd Yr and Final Yr Students (B.Tech/MBA) 2016-1721/01/2017
634Academic Calendar for Odd semester for session 2015-1626/10/2016
635Fee structure for session 2015-1626/10/2016
636Complete Syllabus Of EC Deptt.26/10/2016
637PO's & CO's Of EC Deptt.26/10/2016
638Duties of faculty & Staff for Anti-Ragging26/10/2016
639Anti - Ragging Committee26/10/2016
640Academic Calendar for M. Tech. 1st Semester Session 2015-1626/10/2016
641CO???s, PO???s, PEO???s of M.Tech Digital Communication and Mission & Vision of EC Deptt.26/10/2016
642Notice from Registrar26/10/2016
643Academic Calendar for Even Semester for Session 2015-1626/10/2016
648Academic Calendar for M.Tech. II Semester 2015-1626/10/2016
649For More Detail26/10/2016
650FDP on 'Signal and Image Processing??? SIP-201626/10/2016
651For More Detail26/10/2016
652International Conference on ???Biomedical Engineering and Supportive Technologies??? ( BEST 2016)26/10/2016
653Fee structure/detail for session 2016-1726/10/2016
654Important Information for New Students(B.Tech/MBA/Lateral Entry)2016 of BIET JHANSI26/10/2016
655Regarding Demand Draft of Fee / Mess Charge for all Students at the time of Registration26/10/2016
656Academic Calendar for B. Tech. and MBA Odd Semester Session 2016-1726/10/2016
657Academic Calendar for M. Tech. (III Semester) Odd Semester Session 2016-17 26/10/2016
658Academic Calendar for M. Tech. (I Semester) Odd Semester Session 2016-17 26/10/2016
659International Conference on ???Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics & Communication Engineering??? (RTEECE16)26/10/2016
660FDP on "Advances In Thermal Science and Engineering"26/10/2016
661Schedule of Special Carry over & M.Tech Even Semester 2015-1626/10/2016
662Notice Regarding Scrutiny & Reevaluation for Exam March/May 201626/10/2016
663Final Schdule of M.Tech and Special Carryover Examination26/10/2016
664Notice Regarding Scholarship Form for Session 2016-1726/10/2016
665New Notice Regarding Scholarship Form for Session 2016-1726/10/2016
666Regarding Internet Service For Students26/10/2016
667Regarding Enrolment of Newly Admitted Students26/10/2016
668Regarding New Schedule for Class Test-I26/10/2016
669Library Notice26/10/2016
670Regarding Schedule for Class Test-II26/10/2016
671Regarding New Schedule for Class Test-I17/09/2016
672Regarding Enrolment of Newly Admitted Students17/09/2016
673Regarding Internet Service For Students17/09/2016
674New Notice Regarding Scholarship Form for Session 2016-1717/09/2016
675Final Schdule of M.Tech and Special Carryover Examination17/09/2016
676Schedule of Special Carry over M.Tech Even Semester 2015-1617/09/2016
677Notice Regarding Special Carry Over 2015-1617/09/2016
678Regarding Student Attendance17/09/2016
679Library Notice17/09/2016